Respecced Time/Sonic
By: Carnifax
Respec guide
Shopping list
Primary powerset
Time Manipulation
Time Crawl

Time Crawl

Ranged Foe, -Speed, -Recharge, -Regen, Special

You're able to dramatically slow the time around a single enemy, reducing their movement speed and attack rate. Time is slowed to such an extreme that their wounds will take longer to heal, reducing their regeneration rate. Time Crawl applies the Delayed effect on its target. Debuff and control effects from other Time Manipulation powers are increased on targets affected by Delayed. Recharge: Long.
Temporal Mending

Temporal Mending

PBAoE, Ally +Heal, Heal Over Time, +Res(Slow, Regen Debuff)

You mend the wounds of yourself and nearby allies by placing your bodies in a past or future state where they are far less injured. Temporal Mending will immediately heal its targets and continue to heal them for an equal amount over the next 6 seconds. Additionally, affected allies will gain some resistance to slow effects and regeneration debuffs. Allies affected by the Accelerated effect will receive additional healing from this power. Temporal Mending will apply a regeneration bonus instead of heal over time for a short while if the user is in a PvP zone. Recharge: Long
Time's Juncture

Time's Juncture

Toggle: PBAoE Foe (-Damage, -Speed, -To Hit)

You create a time dilation field around you causing enemies who get too close to be slowed to a crawl, their movement speed, damage and chance to hit will be decreased substantially. Enemies affected by Delayed have these affects increased. Recharge: Slow
Temporal Selection

Temporal Selection

Ally +Damage, +Recharge, +Regeneration

You distort time around an ally, selecting a period of time where their abilities are at their highest. Their damage, attack rate and regeneration rates are dramatically increased for a brief period. This power places the Accelerated effect on the target. While this is in effect, the target has any healing and healing over time effects from Temporal Mending or Chrono Shift significantly increased. Recharge: Very Long
Distortion Field

Distortion Field

Ranged (Location AoE), Foe(-Recharge, -Speed), Chance for Hold

You can choose an area to slow the flow of time down to a crawl. Enemies who enter the field will have their attack rate and speed slowed dramatically. In addition, affected enemies might become held as they are frozen in time. Targets affected by Time Crawl will have the chance to be held increased. Recharge: Very Long
Time Stop

Time Stop

Ranged Hold, Foe -Regen, -Heal

You trap your target within the flow of time causing them to be held helpless. Even those resistant to the effects of Time Stop's hold will still have their regeneration rate and healing effects reduced for a brief period. Targets affected by Time Crawl will suffer from a more powerful hold, however its benefits are brief. Recharge: Long


PBAoE Team, +To-Hit, +Defense(All), +Perception

You give your allies a brief glimpse of the future and what is to come. This provides you and your team a moderate increase to your chance to hit and defense for a short period of time. Recharge: Very Long
Slowed Response

Slowed Response

Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Defense, -Resistance

You manipulate time around a targeted foe causing their reflexes to become slowed and sluggish. This causes them to have decreased defense and damage resistance. A target affected by Time Crawl will suffer from a more powerful effect. Recharge: Very Long
Chrono Shift

Chrono Shift

PBAoE, Team +Recharge, Heal, +End, Moderate Healing over Time, +Recovery

You cause nearby allies to act more quickly by allowing them to slip through the time stream seamlessly. When Chrono Shift is activated, you and nearby allies will immediately recover a portion of your health and endurance. Chrono Shift will greatly increase the Recharge Speed of nearby allies for the duration of the power, additionally for a short while the flow of time will constantly undo a portion of your allies' wounds causing them to periodically recover health and recover endurance. An ally affected by Temporal Selection will recover additional health from Chrono Shift. Chrono Shift will apply a regeneration bonus instead of heal over time for a short while if the user is in a PvP zone. Recharge: Very Long
Secondary powerset
Sonic Attack


Ranged, Minor DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -Resist

You let forth a quick Shriek, damaging your target and weakening their Damage Resistance. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast


Ranged, Moderate DoT(Smashing/Energy), -Res

Your Scream can cause serious damage to a target, while weakening their resistance to further damage. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Moderate


Ranged Cone, Medium DMG(Smashing/Energy), Foe -Res(All)

A short range, but powerful sonic attack. Damage: Medium, Recharge: Slow


Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smashing/Energy), Foe Knockback

You can call forth a tremendous Shockwave that can knock down foes and deal some Smashing damage in a wide cone area. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate


Ranged, Heavy DMG(Smashing/Energy), Foe -Res(All)

You blast your foe with a tremendous Shout, damaging them and reducing their Damage Resistance. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate


Self +To Hit, +DMG

Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage. Recharge: Long
Siren's Song

Siren's Song

Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep

You send forth a subsonic pulse which causes your foes to fall unconscious and take some minor damage. Your foes will remain unconscious for a good while, but will waken if disturbed. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Long


Ranged, Minor DMG(Smashing/Energy), Foe Disorient, -Res(all)

By bursting forth with this hypersonic Screech, you can disorient a target. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow
Dreadful Wail

Dreadful Wail

PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient, -Res(All)

Your Dreadful Wail is so strong that most foes will be defeated by being subjected to it. Dreadful Wail deals Extreme Smashing and Energy damage to all nearby foes in addition to reducing their defense and disorienting them for a good while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long
Power Pool 1


Toggle: Self Fly, +DEF(All)

For hovering and aerial combat. This power is much slower than Fly, but provides some Defense to all attacks, offers good air control, costs little Endurance, and has none of the penalties associated with Fly. Switch to this mode when fighting other flying foes.
Air Superiority

Air Superiority

Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe -Fly

This two-handed overhead melee attack can knock a flying target to the ground.


Toggle: Self Fly

Fly allows you to travel large distances quickly. If you attack a target while this power is on, your flight speed will be temporarily reduced to Hover speed. Your top Flight speed increases with your Level.
Group Fly

Group Fly

Toggle: Team Fly

You can endow your nearby teammates with Flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of Endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group Fly travel speed is slower than Fly. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Flight Powers before selecting Group Fly.
Evasive Maneuvers

Evasive Maneuvers

Toggle: Self +FlySpeed, Res(-Fly, Immobilize), +Def(All), +Flight Control

While either Fly, Hover or Group Fly are active, Evasive Maneuvers increases fly speed and movement control. It will also grant resistance against knockback, and protection against -Fly and Immobilization. Evasive Maneuvers provides a moderate amount of Defense even while on the floor, but this defense is lost if you attack, buff allies, give an order to pets or interact with a mission objective. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Flight Powers before selecting Evasive Maneuvers. Recharge: Moderate.
Power Pool 2


Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient

Unleashes a super fast Flurry of punches to pummel your foe. Flurry is so dizzying that it has a chance to Disorient the target.


Self +Recharge

You can reduce the recharge time of all powers for 2 minutes. Although Hasten does not cost any Endurance to activate, you can tire easily since your Endurance does not recover more rapidly. After Hasten wears off, you become tired and will lose some Endurance.
Super Speed

Super Speed

Toggle: Self +Speed

You can run at super-human speeds! While running at such speeds, you are a blur, and many foes will not even notice you as you speed past them. As you run, you build momentum, allowing you to jump great distances, but only for a limited time. If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be slowed to normal speed. Super Speed also increases your maximum run speed by 30% and gives you access to the Speed Phase power whilst it is active.


Self +Recharge

Burnout allows you to instantly recharge all of your Primary and Secondary powers. Burnout is very expensive in terms of endurance, and reduces your maximum endurance slightly for 60 seconds after use. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Speed Powers before selecting Burnout. Recharge: Extremely Long


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Knockback

You spin around at an amazing speed to create a Whirlwind around yourself. Any foes that enter this Whirlwind will be tossed into the air. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Speed Powers before selecting Whirlwind.
Power Pool 3


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +DEF(All)

A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates to all attacks.


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +DMG, Res(Taunt, Placate)

While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage and are resistant to Taunt and Placate.


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception

While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. Purchasing Tactics requires the user to be level 14 and possess Maneuvers or Assault.


Ranged (Targeted AoE), Teammates +DMG, +To Hit, +DEF(All), Res(Effects)

The loss of a comrade enrages the team. When a teammate is defeated in combat, activate this power to grant you and your teammates a bonus to chance to hit, Damage and Defense to all attacks. A Vengeful team has no fear, and Vengeance protects you and your Teammates from Fear effects. It also gives you and your team great resistance to Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Confuse, Taunt, Placate and Knockback. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Leadership Powers before selecting Vengeance. This power does not stack with multiple castings. Recharge: Very Long
Victory Rush

Victory Rush

Ranged (Targeted AoE), Team +Recovery, -End Cost

The defeat of an opponent gives your team a rush of adrenaline. The excitement of your victory increases the recovery and reduces the endurance cost of your powers. This effect extends to your teammates as well. The total strength of this bonus is dependent upon the rank of the enemy on which this is cast, with Archvillains and Giant Monsters providing the greatest benefit. This power does not stack with multiple castings. You must be level 14 and have trained at least two other Leadership powers before you can train Victory Rush. This power's Recharge Time cannot be reduced. Recharge: Very Long (To Select Rank, Sub-Minion = 0, Minion = 1, LT = 2, Boss = 3, Elite Boss = 4, and AV/GM = 5,
Power Pool 4


Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All)

You can bend light around yourself to become Invisible. While this power is active, you are almost impossible to detect. If, however, you attack while using this power, you will be discovered and will lose your Stealth and some of your Defense bonus. Sending commands to pets, buffing or healing allies will also lower the defense and stealth granted by this power. This power will not work with other self affecting Concealment related powers such as Infiltration or Shadow Fall.
Grant Invisibility

Grant Invisibility

Ranged, Teammate Stealth, +DEF(All)

Grants a targeted teammate or leaguemate Invisibility. The Invisibility lasts about 2 minutes. While your ally is Invisible, he probably will not be detected unless he attacks a target. If he attacks, he is still hard to see and maintains some bonus to Defense to all attacks. This power works with other Concealment related powers.


Toggle: Self, +Jump, +Run Speed, Self Stealth, +DEF(All)

You blend into your environment and swiftly make your way while attempting to stay undetected. Infiltration grants you a considerable boost to both your jump height and run speed. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense from all attacks. If, however, you attack while using this power, you will be discovered and will lose your Stealth and Defense bonus provided by this power. Infiltration will not work with any other form of Concealment power such as Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist.


PBAoE, Foe Placate, -Res(All)

You redirect the anger of enemies around you, placating them. This causes them to break off their attacks. The momentary lack of awareness this causes also leads to reduced resistance to damage for a short time. You must be at least level 14 and have trained any two other Concealment powers before you can train this power. Recharge: Very Long
Phase Shift

Phase Shift

Toggle: Self Intangible

You can Phase Shift to become out of sync with normal space. Although you do not become completely Invisible, you are translucent and hard to see. You are intangible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. Although this power is a toggle, you cannot remain Phase Shifted for more than 30 seconds, even if you still have Endurance. Cannot be used with Rest. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Concealment Powers before selecting Phase Shift.
Epic Power Pool
Soul Mastery
Soul Drain

Soul Drain

PBAoE Moderate DMG(Negative), Self +DMG, +ACC

Using this power, you can drain the essence of all nearby foes' souls, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your Damage and Accuracy. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Very Long
Dark Embrace

Dark Embrace

Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Negative, Toxic)

You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Negative Energy and Toxic damage. Recharge: Fast
Power Boost

Power Boost

Self +Special

Greatly boosts the secondary effects of your powers. Your powers effects like Disorients, Holds, Immobilizes, Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Knockbacks and more, are all improved. The effects of Power Boost last a short while, and only the next couple of attacks will be boosted. You must be level 41 and have Soul Drain or Dark Embrace before selecting this power. Recharge: Long
Soul Storm

Soul Storm

Ranged, Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe Hold

Like Ghost Widow, you can summon the souls of your victims to do your bidding. Soul Storm enraptures a single target Holding them while their life-force is drained from their body. You must be level 41 and have Soul Drain or Dark Embrace before selecting this power. Recharge: Slow
Summon Mistress

Summon Mistress

Summon Fortunata Mistress: Ranged Moderate DMG(Psionic)

Ghost Widow has assigned a Fortunata Mistress for you to command. Arguably, the most powerful of the Fortunatas, these rare few have mastered numerous psychic abilities and risen to the top of Lord Recluse's beautiful Black Widows. Your access to this Fortunata is very limited. You can only summon her once every 15 minutes and she will leave after 4 minutes, or if you exit a zone or mission. You must be level 44 and have two other Soul Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Recharge: Extremely Long

Respec for Page 4

Powers Level 1: Temporal Mending Level 1: Shriek Level 2: Time Crawl Level 4: Time's Juncture Level 6: Howl Level 8: Distortion Field Level 10: Temporal Selection Level 12: Time Stop Level 14: Fly Level 16: Shout Level 18: Farsight Level 20: Amplify Level 22: Hasten Level 24: Maneuvers Level 26: Slowed Response Level 28: Siren's Song Level 30: Hover Level 32: Chrono Shift Level 35: Screech Level 38: Dreadful Wail Level 41: Dark Embrace Level 44: Power Boost Level 47: Summon Mistress Level 49: Tactics
Level 1: Temporal Mending - Doctored Wounds: Heal/Endurance
Level 1: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage
Level 2: Time Crawl - Invention: Accuracy
Level 3: Temporal Mending - Doctored Wounds: Endurance/Recharge
Level 3: Temporal Mending - Doctored Wounds: Heal/Recharge
Level 4: Time's Juncture - Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff
Level 5: Temporal Mending - Doctored Wounds: Heal/Endurance/Recharge
Level 5: Temporal Mending - Doctored Wounds: Heal
Level 6: Howl - Annihilation: Accuracy/Damage
Level 7: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Damage/Recharge
Level 7: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 8: Distortion Field - Basilisk's Gaze: Accuracy/Hold
Level 9: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 9: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 10: Temporal Selection - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 11: Shriek - Superior Defender's Bastion: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE Heal
Level 12: Time Stop - Invention: Accuracy
Level 13: Maneuvers - Invention: Defense Buff
Level 14: Fly - Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%)
Level 15: Maneuvers - Kismet: Accuracy +6%
Level 15: Siren's Song - Positron's Blast: Damage/Range
Level 16: Shout - Apocalypse: Damage
Level 17: Siren's Song - Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 17: Siren's Song - Call of the Sandman: Chance of Heal Self
Level 18: Farsight - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
Level 19: Time's Juncture - Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge
Level 19: Time's Juncture - Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance
Level 20: Amplify - Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up
Level 21: Time's Juncture - Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Endurance
Level 21: Howl - Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage
Level 22: Hasten - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 23: Howl - Invention: Damage Increase
Level 23: Howl - Positron's Blast: Chance of Damage(Energy)
Level 24: Maneuvers - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
Level 25: Howl - Bombardment: Chance for Fire Damage
Level 25: Howl - Javelin Volley: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
Level 26: Slowed Response - Achilles' Heel: Chance for Res Debuff
Level 27: Distortion Field - Basilisk's Gaze: Accuracy/Recharge
Level 27: Distortion Field - Basilisk's Gaze: Recharge/Hold
Level 28: Siren's Song - Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage
Level 29: Distortion Field - Basilisk's Gaze: Endurance/Recharge/Hold
Level 29: Time Stop - Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for Smashing Damage
Level 30: Hover - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
Level 31: Time Stop - Neuronic Shutdown: Chance of Damage(Psionic)
Level 31: Time Stop - Gladiator's Net: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
Level 31: Time Stop - Lockdown: Chance for +2 Mag Hold
Level 32: Chrono Shift - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 33: Time Stop - Ghost Widow's Embrace: Chance of Damage(Psionic)
Level 33: Shout - Apocalypse: Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 33: Shout - Gladiator's Javelin: Chance of Damage(Toxic)
Level 34: Shout - Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage
Level 34: Shout - Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 34: Shout - Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
Level 35: Screech - Decimation: Chance of Build Up
Level 36: Farsight - Reactive Defenses: Defense/RechargeTime
Level 36: Farsight - Red Fortune: Defense/Recharge
Level 36: Farsight - Defense Buff
Level 37: Hasten - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 37: Slowed Response - Analyze Weakness: Accuracy/Recharge
Level 37: Slowed Response - Shield Breaker: Accuracy/Recharge
Level 38: Dreadful Wail - Armageddon: Damage
Level 39: Slowed Response - Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Damage
Level 39: Slowed Response - Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage
Level 39: Chrono Shift - Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb
Level 40: Siren's Song - Positron's Blast: Damage/Recharge
Level 40: Siren's Song - Positron's Blast: Damage/Endurance
Level 40: Chrono Shift - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 41: Dark Embrace - Reactive Armor: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
Level 42: Dark Embrace - Reactive Armor: Resistance
Level 42: Dark Embrace - Reactive Armor: Resistance/Endurance
Level 42: Dark Embrace - Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%
Level 43: Screech - Gladiator's Javelin: Chance of Damage(Toxic)
Level 43: Dreadful Wail - Armageddon: Damage/Recharge
Level 43: Dark Embrace - Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)
Level 44: Power Boost - Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 45: Dreadful Wail - Armageddon: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 45: Dreadful Wail - Armageddon: Accuracy/Recharge
Level 45: Dreadful Wail - Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
Level 46: Screech - Decimation: Accuracy/Damage
Level 46: Screech - Decimation: Damage/Endurance
Level 46: Dreadful Wail - Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage
Level 47: Screech - Decimation: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 47: Screech - Decimation: Damage/Recharge
Level 47: Summon Mistress - Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Damage
Level 47: Summon Mistress - Expedient Reinforcement: Damage/Endurance
Level 48: Summon Mistress - Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 48: Summon Mistress - Expedient Reinforcement: Endurance/Damage/Recharge
Level 48: Summon Mistress - Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Recharge
Level 49: Tactics - Rectified Reticle: Increased Perception
  • 1 Achilles' Heel: Chance for Res Debuff
  • 1 Analyze Weakness: Accuracy/Recharge
  • 1 Annihilation: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Apocalypse: Chance of Damage(Negative)
  • 1 Apocalypse: Damage
  • 1 Armageddon: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Armageddon: Accuracy/Recharge
  • 1 Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage
  • 1 Armageddon: Damage
  • 1 Armageddon: Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Basilisk's Gaze: Accuracy/Hold
  • 1 Basilisk's Gaze: Accuracy/Recharge
  • 1 Basilisk's Gaze: Endurance/Recharge/Hold
  • 1 Basilisk's Gaze: Recharge/Hold
  • 1 Bombardment: Chance for Fire Damage
  • 1 Call of the Sandman: Chance of Heal Self
  • 1 Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff
  • 1 Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Endurance
  • 1 Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge
  • 1 Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance
  • 1 Decimation: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Decimation: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Decimation: Chance of Build Up
  • 1 Decimation: Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Decimation: Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Defense Buff
  • 1 Doctored Wounds: Endurance/Recharge
  • 1 Doctored Wounds: Heal
  • 1 Doctored Wounds: Heal/Endurance
  • 1 Doctored Wounds: Heal/Endurance/Recharge
  • 1 Doctored Wounds: Heal/Recharge
  • 1 Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Recharge
  • 1 Expedient Reinforcement: Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Expedient Reinforcement: Endurance/Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up
  • 1 Ghost Widow's Embrace: Chance of Damage(Psionic)
  • 1 Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)
  • 2 Gladiator's Javelin: Chance of Damage(Toxic)
  • 1 Gladiator's Net: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
  • 2 Invention: Accuracy
  • 1 Invention: Damage Increase
  • 1 Invention: Defense Buff
  • 6 Invention: Recharge Reduction
  • 1 Javelin Volley: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
  • 1 Kismet: Accuracy +6%
  • 1 Lockdown: Chance for +2 Mag Hold
  • 3 Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • 1 Neuronic Shutdown: Chance of Damage(Psionic)
  • 1 Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
  • 2 Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Positron's Blast: Chance of Damage(Energy)
  • 1 Positron's Blast: Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Positron's Blast: Damage/Range
  • 1 Positron's Blast: Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb
  • 1 Reactive Armor: Resistance
  • 1 Reactive Armor: Resistance/Endurance
  • 1 Reactive Armor: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
  • 1 Reactive Defenses: Defense/RechargeTime
  • 1 Rectified Reticle: Increased Perception
  • 1 Red Fortune: Defense/Recharge
  • 1 Shield Breaker: Accuracy/Recharge
  • 1 Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage
  • 1 Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Damage/Recharge
  • 1 Superior Defender's Bastion: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE Heal
  • 1 Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage
  • 1 Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • 1 Superior Vigilant Assault: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • 1 Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Damage
  • 1 Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for Smashing Damage
  • 1 Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%)