Rad / Staff Tank
By: Carnifax
Respec guide
Shopping list
Primary powerset
Radiation Armor
Alpha Barrier

Alpha Barrier

Toggle: Self +Res(Lethal, Smash, Toxic)

You cloak yourself in a field of protective radiation that grants you a good deal of resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Toxic damage. Recharge: Fast
Gamma Boost

Gamma Boost

Auto: Self +Regen, +Recovery, Special

Gamma Boost grants you a passive boost to both regeneration and recovery. The lower your current health is, the greater the regeneration bonus you'll receive from Gamma Boost. The higher your current health is, the greater the recovery bonus you'll receive from Gamma Boost. This power is always active.
Proton Armor

Proton Armor

Toggle: Self, +Res(Energy, Fire, Cold and Negative)

When active, your body is encased in a shield-like radiation barrier that gives you good resistance to Energy and Fire damage and moderate resistance to Cold and Negative Energy attacks. Recharge: Fast
Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

Toggle: Self +Res(Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Stun, Knockdown, Toxic, Psi, Slow)

While active you are protected from recharge, movment, hold, sleep, immobilize, stun and knockdown effects. Additionally Fallout Shelter grants you minor resistance to toxic and psionic damage as well as a measure of resistance against slow effects. Recharge: Fast
Radiation Therapy

Radiation Therapy

PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -Regen, Self +HP, +End

You concentrate your energies to harness the healing powers of radiation to mend your wounds and rebuild your endurance. Each nearby foe will increase the health and endurance you recover. Affected foes will have their regeneration rates substantially reduced for a short time. Recharge: Very Long
Beta Decay

Beta Decay

Toggle: Foe, Taunt, -To Hit, -Defense, Self +Recharge

While Beta Decay is active, nearby foes will have their chance to hit and defense decreased slightly and will be taunted. You will gain a recharge bonus per nearby target up to 10 targets. The first target grants the largest benefit. Recharge: Moderate
Particle Shielding

Particle Shielding

Self, +Absorb, +Regeneration

You channel a tremendous amount of radiation into a barrier around you. For a short time you will have a strong absorption shield in addition to a regeneration and recovery buff. Recharge: Very Long
Ground Zero

Ground Zero

PBAoE, Foe Moderate DMG(Energy), Moderate DoT(Toxic), -DEF(All), Ally +HP, +Heal over time

You release a mixture of radiation into the area. Nearby foes will be barraged with harmful radiation and will suffer Moderate Energy damage immediately, followed by moderate toxic damage over time. Affected foes will also have their defense reduced. Nearby allies will be healed for a moderate amount and will recover health over time. This power can affect a total of 30 targets. This includes both friends and foes. Ground Zero has no effect on the caster, only nearby allies and enemies. Damage: Moderate, Moderate DoT, Recharge: Very Long


Self, +Res(All), +Recovery, +DMG(All)

After building up a dangerous amount of radiation you release it to both shield and empower yourself. While active you will gain a good amount of damage resistance to all types of damage, recover endurance more quickly and deal more damage for a short time. When this power wears off you will lose a small amount endurance. Recharge: Very Long
Secondary powerset
Staff Fighting
Form of the Body

Form of the Body

Toggle: Grants Perfection of Body levels

This power is obtained by purchasing Staff Mastery. All Staff Fighting attacks will build a level of Perfection of Body while this toggle is active. Each level will boost the user's damage output slightly. Once the user has built up 3 levels of Perfection of Body and they execute Eye of the Storm, the attack will reduce the targets' damage resistance slightly and will deal additional smashing damage. Executing Sky Splitter with three 3 levels of Perfection of Body will deal additional smashing damage and grant the user a moderate resistance buff for a short time. Recharge: Fast
Form of the Mind

Form of the Mind

Toggle: Grants Perfection of Mind levels

This power is obtained by purchasing Staff Mastery. All Staff Fighting attacks will build a level of Perfection of Mind while this toggle is active. Each level will boost the user's recharge rate slightly. Once the user has built up 3 levels of Perfection of Mind and they execute Eye of the Storm, the attack will slow the targets slightly and will deal additional psychic damage. Executing Sky Splitter with three 3 levels of Perfection of Mind will deal additional psychic damage and grant the user a moderate to hit buff for a short time. Recharge: Fast
Form of the Soul

Form of the Soul

Toggle: Grants Perfection of Soul levels

This power is obtained by purchasing Staff Mastery. All Staff Fighting attacks will build a level of Perfection of Soul while this toggle is active. Each level will grant the user an Endurance Discount. Once the user has built up 3 levels of Perfection of Soul and they execute Eye of the Storm, the attack will reduce targets' defense slightly and will deal additional energy damage. Executing Sky Splitter with three 3 levels of Perfection of Soul will deal additional energy damage and grant the user a moderate regeneration and recovery buff for a short time. Recharge: Fast
Mercurial Blow

Mercurial Blow

Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Def

You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff dealing Light Smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are reduced slightly for a short time. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: Light, Recharge: Fast
Precise Strike

Precise Strike

Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient

You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals Moderate Smashing damage, and has a small chance to disorient the target briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast.
Guarded Spin

Guarded Spin

Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Smash), Self +Def(Melee, Lethal)

You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal defense briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate


Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt

Taunts a foe, and some nearby foes, to attack you. Useful for pulling villains off an ally who find themselves in over their head. Taunted foes tend to ignore other Heroes and focus on you for quite a while, so use this power cautiously. A To Hit check is required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Slow
Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown, Consumes Perfection

With a lightning fast series of spins of your staff you strike at all nearby foes dealing moderate damage with a chance of knocking foes down. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection if the user has two or less levels, if the user has three levels of Perfection it will consume them and gain some benefit. 3 Levels of Perfection of Body will cause additional smashing damage and reduce damage resistance slightly for a short time. 3 Levels of Perfection of Mind will cause additional psionic damage and reduce attack and movement speed for a short time. 3 Levels of Perfection of Soul will cause additional energy damage and reduce defense for a short time. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Long
Staff Mastery

Staff Mastery

Change Stances/Special

By Purchasing this power, you will gain access to the following powers: Form of the Body, Form of the Mind and Form of the Soul. Each of these toggle powers will allow the user to build up levels of Perfection, which grant the user a stacking short duration buff. Each buff is unique to the active form, and only one form can be active at a time. Perfection can be released by executing Eye of the Storm or Sky Splitter. When either of these attacks are empowered with Perfection they will have additional effects that are unique to each form. See Forms for additional details.
Serpent's Reach

Serpent's Reach

Ranged, High Dmg(Smash), Foe Knockdown

You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target and deal High Smashing damage with a good chance to knock your target down. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: High, Recharge: Long
Innocuous Strikes

Innocuous Strikes

Melee Cone, High DMG(Smash), Foe Immobilize, -Speed

You repeatedly batter your foes' feet and legs with a flurry of sweeps of your staff. This attack deals Moderate Smashing damage to all foes within its cone. All affected targets will have their movement speed reduced, with a chance of being immobilized briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection. Damage: High, Recharge: Long
Sky Splitter

Sky Splitter

Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knock Up, Disorient, -Fly, Consumes Perfection

You leap into the air and hammer your foe with an overhead bash from your staff. Sky Splitter deals Extreme Smashing damage, will knock the target into the air and will briefly disorient your target. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection if the user has two or less levels, if the user has three levels of Perfection it will consume them and gain some benefit. 3 Levels of Perfection of Body will cause additional smashing damage and grant the user a bonus to damage resistance a short time. 3 Levels of Perfection of Mind will cause additional psionic damage and boost the user's chance to hit for a short time. 3 Levels of Perfection of Soul will cause additional energy damage and increase the user's regeneration and recovery rate briefly. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Slow
Power Pool 1


Melee, Light DMG(Smashing), Fighting Synergy, Foe Stun

You strike your opponent with a strong punch that causes light smashing damage and has a small chance to stun foes. If you have also trained Kick, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to stun increases. If you have also trained Cross Punch, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will fatigue the target, draining some endurance and lowering recovery slightly. The synergy with Kick and Cross Punch stacks. Damage: Light, Recharge: Very Fast


Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Synergy, Foe Knockdown

You strike your opponent with a forceful kick that causes moderate smashing damage and has a small chance to knock opponents down. If you have also trained Boxing, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to knockdown increases. If you have also trained Cross Punch, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will fatigue the target, draining some endurance and lowering recovery slightly. The synergy with Boxing and Cross Punch stacks. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Very Fast


Toggle: Self +Res(Smash/Lethal)

While active, you are tough and slightly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage. Purchasing Tough requires the user to be level 14 and possess Boxing or Kick.


Toggle: Self +DEF(All), Res(Immobilize)

While active, you bob and weave, increasing your Defense to all attacks, as well as your resistance to Immobilize. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Fighting Powers before selecting Weave.
Cross Punch

Cross Punch

Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Smashing), Fighting Synergy, Foe Knockdown, Stun

You execute a sweeping right hook that can strike multiple targets in your frontal arc. This attack causes moderate smashing damage and has a chance to both knock down and stun foes. If you have also trained Boxing, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will improve your recharge and accuracy briefly. If you have also trained Kick, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will improve your recharge and accuracy briefly. The synergy with Boxing and Kick stacks. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
Power Pool 2


Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient

Unleashes a super fast Flurry of punches to pummel your foe. Flurry is so dizzying that it has a chance to Disorient the target.


Self +Recharge

You can reduce the recharge time of all powers for 2 minutes. Although Hasten does not cost any Endurance to activate, you can tire easily since your Endurance does not recover more rapidly. After Hasten wears off, you become tired and will lose some Endurance.
Super Speed

Super Speed

Toggle: Self +Speed

You can run at super-human speeds! While running at such speeds, you are a blur, and many foes will not even notice you as you speed past them. As you run, you build momentum, allowing you to jump great distances, but only for a limited time. If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be slowed to normal speed. Super Speed also increases your maximum run speed by 30% and gives you access to the Speed Phase power whilst it is active.


Self +Recharge

Burnout allows you to instantly recharge all of your Primary and Secondary powers. Burnout is very expensive in terms of endurance, and reduces your maximum endurance slightly for 60 seconds after use. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Speed Powers before selecting Burnout. Recharge: Extremely Long


Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Knockback

You spin around at an amazing speed to create a Whirlwind around yourself. Any foes that enter this Whirlwind will be tossed into the air. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Speed Powers before selecting Whirlwind.
Power Pool 3
Jump Kick

Jump Kick

Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown

A good jumping kick attack that may knock foes down. Good if you are looking for another attack power.
Combat Jumping

Combat Jumping

Toggle: Self +Jump, +DEF(All), Res(Immobilization)

While active, Combat Jumping increases your Defense to all attacks, and adds resistance to Immobilization. Moderately increases your jump height and distance while providing good air control.
Super Jump

Super Jump

Toggle: Self Long Jump

While this power is active, you can leap great distances and heights, easily jumping over buildings and from rooftop to rooftop! If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be reduced to a normal jump height. Super Jump also increases your maximum jumping speed by 35% and gives you access to the High Jump power whilst it is active.


Toggle: Self +Res(Knockback, Hold)

While this power is active, you are very nimble and Acrobatic. You can avoid most Knockback effects and are resistant to Hold effects. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Leaping Powers before selecting Acrobatics.
Spring Attack

Spring Attack

PBAoE Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockdown; Self Teleport

You leap into the air and smash down among ranks of foes in the blink of an eye. Using this power allows you to jump to a selected area to deal significant smashing damage to all foes near the location you teleport to, most foes that are struck by your Spring Attack will be knocked down. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Leaping Powers before selecting Spring Attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Very Long.
Power Pool 4


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +DEF(All)

A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates to all attacks.


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +DMG, Res(Taunt, Placate)

While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage and are resistant to Taunt and Placate.


Toggle: PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception

While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. Purchasing Tactics requires the user to be level 14 and possess Maneuvers or Assault.


Ranged (Targeted AoE), Teammates +DMG, +To Hit, +DEF(All), Res(Effects)

The loss of a comrade enrages the team. When a teammate is defeated in combat, activate this power to grant you and your teammates a bonus to chance to hit, Damage and Defense to all attacks. A Vengeful team has no fear, and Vengeance protects you and your Teammates from Fear effects. It also gives you and your team great resistance to Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Confuse, Taunt, Placate and Knockback. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Leadership Powers before selecting Vengeance. This power does not stack with multiple castings. Recharge: Very Long
Victory Rush

Victory Rush

Ranged (Targeted AoE), Team +Recovery, -End Cost

The defeat of an opponent gives your team a rush of adrenaline. The excitement of your victory increases the recovery and reduces the endurance cost of your powers. This effect extends to your teammates as well. The total strength of this bonus is dependent upon the rank of the enemy on which this is cast, with Archvillains and Giant Monsters providing the greatest benefit. This power does not stack with multiple castings. You must be level 14 and have trained at least two other Leadership powers before you can train Victory Rush. This power's Recharge Time cannot be reduced. Recharge: Very Long (To Select Rank, Sub-Minion = 0, Minion = 1, LT = 2, Boss = 3, Elite Boss = 4, and AV/GM = 5,
Epic Power Pool
Energy Mastery
Conserve Power

Conserve Power

Self Endurance Discount

You can focus for a moment to conserve your Endurance. After activating this power, you expend less Endurance on all other powers for a while. Recharge: Very Long
Focused Accuracy

Focused Accuracy

Toggle: Self +To Hit, +ACC, +Perception, Res(DeBuff To Hit)

When this power is activated, the Hero focuses his senses to dramatically improve his accuracy. Additionally, Focused Accuracy increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. It also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your Accuracy. Focused Accuracy is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, Focused Accuracy drains Endurance while active. Recharge: Slow
Laser Beam Eyes

Laser Beam Eyes

Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF

You can emit Laser Beams from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage. This attack can reduce the target's Defense. You must be level 41 and have Conserve Power or Focused Accuracy before selecting this power. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Physical Perfection

Physical Perfection

Auto: Self, +Regeneration, +Recovery

By achieving perfect harmony of body, mind and spirit you are able to regenerate health and endurance slightly faster than normal. This power is always active and consumes no endurance. You must be level 41 and have Conserve Power or Focused Accuracy before selecting this power.
Energy Torrent

Energy Torrent

Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback

Energy Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying. You must be level 44 and have two other Energy Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow

For someone on the forums

Powers Level 1: Alpha Barrier